Job Opening: Web Designer/Media Specialist

Spotted recently on the Spokane/Coeur d’Alene Craigslist: Web Designer/Media Specialist.

We are a local/regional media company looking for experienced flash programmer/developer on a freelance/part-time or full-time basis. Work assignments will include graphic design, web development, producing web advertising campaigns and working with viral video.
Our company produces websites, on-line interactive programming, DVD’s (blu-ray discs), television commercials, promotional videos and more!

Full details about this position can be found here.

Spotlight on Creative: Curb It

If you’re in the Boise area, you likely saw at least a part of the Curb It campaign for the City of Boise.  The campaign’s creative, including identity, website, video, direct mail, collateral and handbook materials were developed by SOVRN Creative.  Public relations, events, community outreach and other related efforts were handled by Cronin & Associates.

Curb It Handbook

The campaign’s video can be seen on the Curb It Boise website.

A Challenge – The Update

Well, how did you do?

Did you treat anyone differently, or were you treated any differently last week?  If so, did it have any effect on you?

Feel free to comment away.

File this in Today’s Random Observations


It’s interesting that I’ve received reports from several sources about layoffs, however there has been no movement on the website(s) of the agency/agencies in question.

It makes the company look bad by not being forthright about their staff.

It also does a disservice to the individuals who were affected.  It has the potential to make it seem that the former employee is still there, effectively creating some confusion as to the circumstances surrounding their departure.

In the end, it’s just bad form, and we’ll leave it at that.