10,000 congratulations

From David Burn, friend and fellow blogger at AdPulp:

That’s a good ten times more posts than we’ve got here, and a remarkable milestone by
all measures.

Well done to David, Shawn and Dan, and everyone else who has contributed to AdPulp over the years.

Good Read

From our friends at AdPulp: Hire A Copywriter, Or Paddle The Ship With One Oar

Come to think of it, after reading that piece I’m pretty sure this site could use a lot of help from a real copywriter. But I digress…

Interestingly, as evidence that the secret to good writing is rewriting, bonus points are up for grabs to anyone who can share with the class what they think the original title of the AdPulp piece above was.

From Our Friends at AdPulp – The Luke Sullivan Interview

David Burn over at AdPulp had a chance recently to interview Luke Sullivan, Copywriter, Author and Senior VP/Managing Group Creative Director at GSD&M in Austin, Texas.

The AdPulp Interview: Luke Sullivan

Take a few minutes and give it a read.  It’s as close as you’ll get around here to having a homework assignment.  Then, go back and read it again.  You’ll be glad you did.


So, you’ve been laid off fairly recently?  You’re not alone, and you’re getting your own movie: Lemonade

Erik Proulx, former Senior Copywriter at Arnold Boston and driving force behind Please Feed the Animals went in search of laid-off agency folks to see how they’ve made a living, a life, and found happiness outside of the advertising world.

Hat tip to the many other outlets that have covered this already, including AdPulp, AgencySpy, The Denver Egotist, PSFK and many, many more.

For Your Reading Pleasure

To fill in the gaps between updates, I encourage you, dear Idaho Ad Agencies readers, to take a look at these sites to pass the time:

I’m sure you’ll find any number of other sites that you should start reading regularly by visiting any of the above.

Regularly-scheduled programming will resume soon.