Opening Thoughts for 2009

2009, by all accounts, is going to be a difficult year. But you don’t have to let it get to you. Here are a few thoughts to get the year started:

You will have to work hard this year. So will everybody else.

The work isn’t just going to come to you. You’re going to have to get creative to get it. The work is out there, if you’re willing to go find it.

Every once in a while you’re going to get kicked in the teeth. Kick back.

You have options. You always have options.

It’s not as bad as the media makes it out to be.

And above all else, remember this: Every once in a while you just need to stop, take a deep breath, and relax.

Happy New Year

Well, the book is closed on 2008, and the first pages of 2009 are already being written.

To the readers of the Idaho Ad Agencies blog, whether you’re a frequent or casual visitor, thank you for your contributions throughout the past year.

No matter how you look at it, 2009 looks to be a wild one. Let’s have a little fun along the way.