One of the unique things about being in a smaller market such as ours is the ability to follow certain people’s career growth over the years. Sure, there are always those who come and go, move to different cities, or get out of the marketing and advertising business altogether.
But, there are also those who stay in the area, and in the business long enough to get noticed.
Nate Hanson is one of the latter.
Nate first appeared on the scene as an intern at Carew Co, and quickly became their first “official” hire. Over the course of the next two years, Nate continued to grow his creative skills, and was a valuable member of the Carew Co team.
Recently, Nate took the next step in his career, moving from Carew Co over to Brandsmack. It’s another step in a career started first as a student at Northwest Nazarene University, then an intern, and has since grown into a career for a talented designer.
Congratulations Nate on the move.
And a tip of the hat to the folks over at Carew Co for bragging on their staff, even when they decide to move on in their careers.