Lots of activity lately

I know I sound like a broken record with some of these posts, but there seems to be quite a bit of activity as of late over at Oliver Russell. While I’m sure there are others who are doing just as much, I’ve got to give the folks over at ORA credit for stepping up and regularly making note of what they’ve been up to.

By no means is this blog meant to be a love-fest for Oliver Russell & Associates, but until other agencies in Idaho give me something to write about, I’ll keep going down that path that I’m on.

Feel free to comment away.

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New Hire

Shawna Weber has joined Oliver Russell as an account coordinator.

Congratulations Shawna.

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New Hire

Brandie Holly has joined Rizen Creative as an account manager.

Congratulations Brandie.

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Job Opening

Stoltz Marketing Group is looking for a Director of Client Services. They’re looking for someone with 10+ years of agency account management/planning experience. The full posting can be found here.
(Courtesy of Talentzoo — registration required)

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A Fresh Look

Oliver Russell & Associates has put a fresh look on their website within the past week or so. Most of the content on the site is the same as the previous iteration, but there are a few notable items.

New examples in their portfolio, as well as featuring portfolio pieces on the home page.
They’ve added more detail about their employees within the company section of the website.

More importantly, however, they’ve done a good job of incorporating flash, while at the same time making their website search engine friendly (or search engine optimized, if you prefer). A little peek behind the curtain reveals that for the more prominent pages, such as the company history, grants, etc. all have plain text embedded in the code to accompany the flash-based text that you see on-screen. In addition, each of the sections of the site have their own unique URL, which allows the spiders from Google, Yahoo, and others to dig further into the site and catalog even more information.

All in all I have to give Russ and crew credit for a job well done. This is a good example of how an agency can demonstrate its capabilities through its own website, rather than just talking about what they’re capable of.

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