REMINDER: Rockies Redesign Contest Entries

Just a quick reminder that submissions for the Boise Advertising Federation’s Rockies Redesign are due by Monday December 1st at 5:00 pm.

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Leave Your Mark on the Rockies

Well, not the mountains. The awards.

The Boise Advertising Federation is looking to redesign the Rockie Awards, and they’ve opened up the design competition to anyone who’s willing to take a swing at it.

There are a few guidelines:

  • Both Gold and Silver Rockies must be designed. On average, the BAF gives out 15 Golds and 115 Silvers each year.
  • Awards must be able to be sourced and reproduced annually with relative ease.
  • Each Rockies award given out is personalized with: agency name, client, category, year and “Idaho Advertising Federation”. Please consider this in all designs.
  • Cost to produce each award must be under $20. Please consider this when recommending materials.

You can submit as many designs as you’d like, and submissions should be sent, in PDF format, to Robbin Gibson.

The deadline for submissions is December 1st.

Yes, this information originally came out in an email from the Boise Advertising Federation, but for those who may not have gotten the email or are not subscribed, it’s worth repeating here.

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Upcoming Event – AIGA Get Out The Vote Show and Reception

The AIGA Idaho’s Get Out The Vote poster design competition was, by all measures, a smashing success. They received a total of 46 poster designs from 36 designers, including 18 poster designs submitted by students from Meridian High Schools.

The posters are currently on display at Flying M Coffeehouse in Boise and the Flying M Coffeegarage in Nampa.

This Wednesday, October 15th, AIGA Idaho will host a reception from 5:30 pm – 7:30 at the downtown Boise Flying M to showcase all of the designs, and the designers behind them.

The posters will be on display in both Boise and Nampa through November 5th.

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One last reminder

For all of you procrastinators out there, your time is running out. This Friday, February 15th, is the last day that late entries will be accepted for the Rockie Awards.

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The challenge is on

Adobe has a little contest running right now, and they want you to take some Creative License.

They’re looking for someone to create a print ad, using at least two stock images from the Adobe Stock Photos library. These images can be manipulated any way you’d like, but you have to use at least two to meet the requirements for the contest.

Entries are due by July 16th, so you don’t have much time.

(Thanks to the fine folks over at American Copywriter for the tip)

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