For your listening pleasure

So podcasts are a thing. Again.

In all reality they’ve been a thing since 2005 or so, but have made a resurgence — particularly this year — thanks to easier listening and subscription options through the likes of Spotify and others.

Regardless of where you listen, here are a handful of marketing-related podcasts you might want to try on for size:

Yeah That's Probably an AdYeah, That’s Probably an Ad

Each week, David Griner and other Adweek editors debate the highs and lows of creativity, advertising, marketing, media and technology.

The WoodshedThe Woodshed Show

Hosted by Alex Bogusky, The Woodshed hopes to demystify the creative process, empowering listeners to generate ideas that move business.


From an “unnamed agency,” the hosts of AdSquawk talk about what it takes to advertise well in today’s media world, swap stories about weird client requests, chat design and copy, and share nuggets of insight.

Lee Clow Will Only Say This OnceLee Clow Will Only Say This Once

A limited-run podcast from Muse by Clio, host Tim Nudd sat down for a handful of conversations with Lee Clow prior to his retirement to chat about his illustrious career, the advertising industry, and much more.

The BeanCastThe BeanCast

One of the longest running marketing-related podcasts around, The BeanCast–hosted by Bob Knorpp–is a weekly roundtable discussion on the latest trends and issues affecting marketing and advertising today.

It’s Only Fucking AdvertisingIt's only fucking advertising

Aaron Starkman of Rethink interviews notable advertising figures from around the globe. And as the show so eloquently reminds us: It’s only fucking advertising!

Of course there are plenty of other podcasts out there worth listening too, but for those looking for a place to start, perhaps this can help get you going.

George Parker Does Not Hate Everything

Believe it or not, it’s true — there’s proof!

Kidding aside, during an appearance on Episode 63 of The BeanCast, George Parker had a few complimentary words for the work that Drake Cooper has done over the years for the Idaho Lottery.

The brief comment came in the context of a discussion that he and the other panelists were having about the PlaidNation Tour, their travels, and Plaid’s desire to recognize great work that comes out of shops in different cities.  If you’re interested in listening, the discussion surrounding the tour takes place just over an hour into the show.

P.S. – All in good fun George, all in good fun.

Latest BAF Podcast Now Available

The latest episode of the Three Courses + Cake Rewind, the Boise Advertising Federation podcast, is now available.

This episode features the presentation given by Hank Blank, of Hank Blank Inc. on October 23rd. Full details about the episode, the podcast, and how to download or subscribe are available on the Three Courses + Cake website.

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