BAF Event: An Evening with George Parker

The Boise Advertising Federation kicks off it’s annual speaker series with decorated copywriter, one-of-a-kind blogger, and “change artist extraordinaire” George Parker.

George, notorious for his writing on AdScam, author of MadScam and The Ubiquitous Persuaders, and contributor to PSFK, aims to “bring the goodness back to our rapidly evolving industry, even if it means pissing a whole lot of people off.”

Details about the event:

Date:  Wednesday, November 4th
– 5:30: Cocktails and Appetizers
– 6:30: George Parker
– 7:30 – 10:00: Music by The Naughties
Location:  The Rose Room, 718 W. Idaho St.
– BAF Members and member spouse/guest:  $25 per person
– Non-Members:  $35 per person
– Students:  $15 per person

Doors will open to the public at 8:00 for the remainder of The Naughties performance with a $5 cover charge.

RSVPs for this event should be sent via email to, or by telephone to (208) 336-7511.

This is an event that should not be missed, and a great event to kick off the BAF’s 100th year.

George Parker Intro


So, you’ve been laid off fairly recently?  You’re not alone, and you’re getting your own movie: Lemonade

Erik Proulx, former Senior Copywriter at Arnold Boston and driving force behind Please Feed the Animals went in search of laid-off agency folks to see how they’ve made a living, a life, and found happiness outside of the advertising world.

Hat tip to the many other outlets that have covered this already, including AdPulp, AgencySpy, The Denver Egotist, PSFK and many, many more.

For Your Reading Pleasure

To fill in the gaps between updates, I encourage you, dear Idaho Ad Agencies readers, to take a look at these sites to pass the time:

I’m sure you’ll find any number of other sites that you should start reading regularly by visiting any of the above.

Regularly-scheduled programming will resume soon.