And Now a Question for the Audience

I received the following question via email recently, and felt it was worth passing along / opening up for discussion to the crowd at large:

Why do media buyers and ad agencies not invest more of their clients $$$ into Hispanic advertising on radio, TV and print in Idaho?

Thoughts? Opinions?

Predictions and Trends

Its that time of year again.

The time when everyone and their dog, cat and goldfish makes their predictions about what the biggest trends will be in the coming year.  And, like every year, its a shot in the dark.  Sometimes those predictions are right, sometimes they’re horribly wrong.

That being said, this year I say we crowdsource the whole prediction thing.  I’d like to know what you, dear readers, think will be the big trends in 2010, and any predictions you’d like to make.

Comment away.

Question of the Day

Well, three questions really…

What makes a good client?

What makes a great client?

Is there a difference?