Well, three questions really…
What makes a good client?
What makes a great client?
Is there a difference?
Street level views of marketing & advertising in Idaho
Well, three questions really…
What makes a good client?
What makes a great client?
Is there a difference?
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Okay, I’ll try and get the discussion started…
What makes a good client? In a word: Trust. A good client trusts that their agency has the skills and experience to get the job done, and has their (client’s) best interests in mind at all times.
What makes a great client? Trust + Participation. While a good client trusts that their agency is doing the right thing, a great client takes it a step farther. They’re involved in the process. They push the agency to be better. To do better. Now that’s not to say that this type of client is difficult or controlling — quite the opposite, in fact. They’re the ones that view their agency as a vendor or service provider. They’re a partner in the client’s business, and as such they share all sorts of information about their business that may stretch well beyond their immediate marketing, communications or advertising needs. But it’s this participation, and willingness to share, that fosters a stronger, deeper relationship between client and agency, and allows for great work to come out as a result.
And that, in my opinion, is the difference.