Dream Big, 2021 edition

Speaking of programs for nonprofits…

Drake Cooper is accepting nominations through November 30th for their Dream Big program. What is it, you ask? Well, I’ll let the DC folks explain it to you in their own words:

Each year we’re inspired by the nonprofit applicants that come through our office. The entire agency gets a say in who we choose, and it’s a process we take very seriously. Not only do we look for inspiring causes, but how well the organizations express their needs. It could be as direct as a website and new branding, or it’s a problem that needs to be solved, like an increase in membership or awareness.

So, why do we do this?

We are devoted to building a better community where everyone shares the responsibility of making it a better place to work and live. Ultimately, we hope that our joint work will increase awareness and understanding while inspiring those to take action around a meaningful cause.

Curious to see if you or a nonprofit you love qualifies?

We want to hear from applicants who are proactive, full of swagger, and ready to kick ass and take shit to the next level. We’re also looking for applicants who are trying to make a positive, more inclusive impact on the world. This project is rooted in having fun and making a difference. Applicants must be an IRS designated 501(c)(3) organization with a charitable cause.

Applications can be submitted here, or you can get in touch with Drake Cooper with any questions you might have.

116 & West’s Parter116 program still accepting applications

Our friends at 116 & West are still accepting applications for their 2021 Nonprofit Pro-Bono Partnership.

Each year, 116 & West partners with a nonprofit organization to to determine the best marketing solutions and strategy for their needs, and provides marketing services worth $50,000. The 2020 Partner116 program recipient was Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Idaho. Past recipients have also included Family Advocates in 2018, and Boise Rock School in 2019.

Applications for the program will be accepted through November 30, 2020. The 2021 award recipient will be announced by January 16, 2021.

Full details about the program are available on the 116 & West website.

Pro-Bono Opportunity: ACLU Idaho

The American Civil Liberties Union of Idaho is looking for someone to redesign their website.  They are looking for a simple redesign that will give them a more updated look and feel.

This is a pro-bono / low-bono project, but could be a good opportunity for a recent graduate or someone similar to get some good experience with WordPress or similar platforms.

If you’d like more information, contact Kathy Griesmyer, Office Administrator & Program Coordinator, at kgriesmyer@acluidaho.org or (208) 344-9750 x201.

Giving Back. And Getting Recognized

Congratulations to Stoltz Marketing Group — they are among this year’s award winners of the 2009 National Philanthropy Day® – Idaho Awards for Philanthropy winners from the Association of Fundraising Professionals – Idaho Chapter.

Stoltz Marketing Group was named Outstanding Media for their work with nonprofit organizations such as Idaho Rivers United, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Idaho,  and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.

Does Creative Matter? Absolutely.

Everyone and their dog has an opinion on what constitutes good creative.  Is it good if its memorable? Is it good if it tells a story? Is it good if its effective?

Sometimes, the answers come not from the industry, the peers and others inside the fishbowl, but from the clients and the results themselves.

Case in point: Last fall we featured work that was being done for the United Way of the Treasure Valley by a group of creatives in the Valley.  Last month, the United Way announced that their community campaign had generated $5.9 million in donations from individuals and corporations.  Today, the United Way announced 31 grant recipients of the funds.

Included in the article from the Idaho Statesman was a quote from Tod McKay, Vice President of Communications for United Way of Treasure Valley, recognizing the effort that went into the creative for the campaign:

The local United Way’s community campaign was hugely successful this year, despite hard economic times. The organization raised $5.9 million, a 9 percent increase over last year’s campaign and the most in the group’s 81-year history.

McKay said part of this year’s success can be attributed to a creative advertising campaign put together by some of the region’s lead advertising agencies free-of-charge.

“They helped us tell our story better than we’ve ever done before,” McKay said.

That’s when you know you’ve done a good job.

Congratulations, and well done, to everyone involved.