Silver Medal Award Nomination Deadline

The IAF Silver Medal Award is presented annually by the Idaho Advertising Federation to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to advertising by advancing the industry’s standards, demonstrating creative excellence, and promoting social welfare.

Following receipt of nominations, the IAF Board of Directors selects a regional panel of Idaho judges to review nominees based on the criteria that follow. Only one Silver Medal is awarded each year, and judges may elect not to award the Silver Medal in any given year.

The Silver Medal winner is announced at the annual Rockie Awards Banquet hosted by the Idaho Advertising Federation. The recipient’s name is listed with other winners throughout the nation for presentation to the National Conference of the American Advertising Federation.

Call for Nominations: IAF Silver Medal Award

After a hiatus for the past few years (can’t imagine why), the Idaho Advertising Federation is once again accepting nominations for the Silver Medal Award.

For those who aren’t familiar with the award:

The IAF Silver Medal Award is presented annually by the Idaho Advertising Federation to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to advertising by advancing the industry’s standards, demonstrating creative excellence, and promoting social welfare.

Following receipt of nominations, the IAF Board of Directors selects a regional panel of Idaho judges to review nominees based on the criteria that follow. Only one Silver Medal is awarded each year, and judges may elect not to award the Silver Medal in any given year.

The Silver Medal winner is announced at the annual Rockie Awards Banquet hosted by the Idaho Advertising Federation. The recipient’s name is listed with other winners throughout the nation for presentation to the National Conference of the American Advertising Federation.

More details about the award, and the nomination process, can be found on the Boise Advertising Federation’s website.

Nominations for this year’s award must be submitted by Friday, March 10th.

Call for Nominations: Silver Medal Award

The Idaho Advertising Federation has issued a call for nominations for the Silver Medal Award. The Silver Medal Award is presented annually by the Idaho Advertising Federation to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to advertising by furthering the industry’s standards, creative excellence, and responsibilities in areas of social concern.

Nominations are due to Bob Rosenthal by Friday, March 15th.

Additional details about the Silver Medal Award are below.

Silver Medal Award - 2013

Call for Nominations: The Bullwinkles

Perhaps you’ve been to them in the past. Or you’ve heard rumor about this fabled event. But even if you haven’t experienced the drama and debauchery yet, you’ll soon have your chance:

The Bullwinkles are back.

And their call for nominations is now open. From our friends organizing this year’s Bullwinkles event:

We had a dream. A dream that someday there would be an awards ceremony celebrating the people and organizations that have somehow fallen through the cracks in the Rockies. From these fissures of the forgotten rises the most auspicious awards affair in the history of this celebrated evening: The Bullwinkles.

Nomination Needed for: Your Favorite Media Pro, AE, Back End Programmer, Admin, Rookie Sensation, and charity with the worst marketing.

Nominations are being accepted until Friday, April 13th (yes, Friday the 13th – take that for what you will). The entire nomination process is taking place on The Bullwinkles’ Facebook page, so see all of the details there.