Job Opening – Web Developer

Drake Cooper in Boise has an opening for a Web Developer with CSS, HTML, Javascript, Flash experience and more. Full details about this position can be found here.
(Courtesy of craigslist)

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A new website for the Boise Advertising Federation

Yes, I’ve nagged about it in the past. Here, here, and of course here, just to name a few.

But the Boise Advertising Federation finally has a new website up and running, with a great deal more content that has been on the site for the past couple of years (not hard to do, but hey, I’m trying to be nice here). It even has some familiar headlines on the homepage.

The BAF site was developed by the crew over at Drake Cooper, and they deserve some recognition for the time and effort that they put into it.

If you haven’t already, check out the new site: Of course, comments about the site are welcome here, as long as they stay somewhat on topic…

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Regional ADDY Award Winners

The winners of the District XI ADDY Awards have been announced, and among them are a number of Idaho agencies, including:

Advertising Industry Self-Promotion:
Silver ADDY Award:
Salty Design Foundry
Salty Design Foundry: Salty Recipe Book

Collateral Material:
Silver ADDY Awards:
Salty Design Foundry
Coeur d’Alene Farmer’s Market: Coeur d’Alene Farmer’s Market
Salty Design Foundry
Magic Geek Inc: Magic Geek Brochure
Salty Design Foundry
Center Stage: Will of Fortune

Consumer or Trade Publication:
Gold ADDY Award:
Drake Cooper
Idaho Travel Council: Sunset Magazine Spread
Silver ADDY Award:
Salty Design Foundry
Acme Climbing: Splat for Urban Climber

Elements of Advertising:
Silver ADDY Award:
Oliver Russell Sasquatch Logo

Mixed Media Campaigns:
Silver ADDY Award:
Drake Cooper
Home Federal: ‘We’re There.’ Small Business Campaign

Silver ADDY Award:
Drake Cooper
Home Federal: ‘We’re There.’ Newspaper Campaign

Silver ADDY Award:
Oliver Russell
The Record Exchange: Hitchcock Building Mural

Public Service:
Gold ADDY Award:
Drake Cooper
Idaho Teen Pregnancy Prevention: Parentland

Sales Promotion:
Silver ADDY Awards:
Merritt Properties: Headwaters Sales Kit
Noot Group
Meriwether Ranch: Meriwether Ranch Sales Book
Range NW
Bing Bang Boom!: Bing Bang Boom! Packaging
Salty Design Foundry
Magic Geek Inc.: Catalog

Silver ADDY Award:
I.E. Productions
Rex Rammell for U.S. Senate: Monkey Butt

Congratulations to all. The entire list of winners can be found on the District XI website. For the winners of Gold ADDY’s they now move on to the national competition. The National Awards Show and Gala is slated for June 10, 2008 in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Rockies Awards – The Winners

I was able to get a copy of the entire winner’s list from the Idaho Advertising Federation’s 2008 Rockies Awards Show (thanks Carolyn). The full list is available in PDF format below.

Here are some of the highlights:

Public Service:
Gold Rockie: Drake Cooper
Idaho Teen Pregnancy “Parent Land”
Concept: Dennis Budell, Joe Quatrone
Copy: Joe Quatrone
Art Director: Dennis Budell
Productions: John Nance
Producer: North by Northwest Productions
Casting: Director: Jeff Noble

Gold Rockie: Drake Cooper
Home Federal “We’re there.” Newspaper Campaign
Concept: Dennis Budell, Joe Quatrone
Copy: Joe Quatrone
Art Director: Dennis Budell
Photographer: Todd Meier

Identity Programs:
Gold Rockie: Oliver Russell, “Sasquatch Logo”
Concept: Jesse Huffman
Art Director: Toby Robin, Jesse Huffman
Productions: Jesse Huffman
Illustrator: Jesse Huffman

Public Relations:
Gold Rockie: Drake Cooper
Idaho Lottery, “Raffle PR”
Concept: David Workman
Copy: David Workman
Art Director: Sherie Moody-St.Clair
Photographer: David Workman
Productions: Dave Butler
Casting: Drake-Cooper

Out Of Home:
Gold Rockie: Oliver Russell
The Record Exchange, “Hitchcock Building Mural”
Concept: Toby Robin
Art Director: Toby Robin, Paul Carew, Colleen Morgan
Illustrator: Toby Robin

Gold Rockie: Oliver Russell
The Modern Hotel, “The Modern Hotel Website (”
Concept: James Rice
Copy: Russ Stoddard, Alex Davis
Art Director: Rich Clark

Elements of Advertising:
Gold Rockie: MMG
Boise City Art Commission / Valley Ride, “Bus Sculpty Illustrations”
Concept: Jason Sievers
Art Director: Jason Sievers
Productions: Jason Sievers
Illustrator: Jason Sievers

Gold Rockie: Drake Cooper
Idaho Lottery, “10 Times the Luck / Acme Hiring”
Concept: Dennis Budell, Joe Quatrone
Copy: Joe Quatrone
Production: Dave Earnest
Producer: North by Northwest Productions

Sales Promotion:
Gold Rockie: Noot Group
Meriwether Ranch, “Meriwether Ranch Sales Book by Jack Wisdom”
Concept: Noot Group
Copy: Noot Group
Art Director: Noot Group
Productions: Noot Group
Producer: Printing Today

Advertising Industry Self Promotion:
Gold Rockie: Noot Group
“Noot Group Business Cards”
Concept: Noot Group
Copy: Noot Group
Art Director: Noot Group
Producer: Lithographics

Gold Rockie: Drake Cooper
Idaho Travel Council, “2007 Magazine Campaign”
Concept: Jen Myers, Joe Quatrone
Copy: Joe Quatrone
Art Director: Jen Myers, Joe Quatrone
Productions: Jen Myers

Direct Marketing:
Gold Rockie: Foerstel Design
Idaho Potato Commission, “Stress Ball Relief Campaign”
Concept: John Brenner
Copy: John Brenner
Art Director: Marie Brochier
Productions: John Brenner
Producer: Table Rock Printing

Gold Rockie: Foerstel Design
Blue Cross of Idaho, “Blue Cross of Idaho One to One 2006 Annual Report”
Concept: Darcy Lindberg
Copy: Courtney Ludden
Art Director: Darcy Lindberg
Photographer: Deborah Hardee, Getty Images
Productions: Darcy Lindberg
Producter: Treasure Valley Litho

Gold Rockie: I.E. Productions
Rex Rammell for US Senate, “Monkey Butt”
Concept: Gary Stewart
Copy: Gary Stewart
Photographer: Gary Stewart
Productions: Nells Chick
Casting: Monkey Business

Complete Campaign:
Gold Rockie: Drake Cooper
Home Federal, “We’re There. Small Business Campaign”
Concept: Dennis Budell, Joe Quatrone
Copy: Joe Quatrone
Art Director: Dennis Budell
Photographer: Todd Meier
Productions: D Budell, J McDannel, J Yonk, A Cash, C Connally
Contact: Lisa Hawkes

Best of Show:
Noot Group
Meriwether Ranch, “Meriwether Ranch Sales Book by Jack Wisdom”

And, as promised, here is the complete list of 2008 Idaho Advertising Federation Rockies Award Winners (PDF format).

Congratulations if you’ve read all the way to this point. About halfway through I realized that this was going to end up being a very long list. At least it only happens once a year.

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Getting a Job in Advertising

No, this is not going to be one of those “I’m an expert and have all of the answers” kind of entries. I’ve always been quick to admit that I don’t know everything, and anyone who tells you that they do is probably lying to you.

But I can recognize useful information and advice when I see it. And this is one of those cases.

For those who may not know, John Drake, Director of Business Development & Campaign Planning at Drake Cooper, has a blog. Shocker, I know. The tagline of his blog, Campaign planning — and other stuff that might relate to that, pretty much sums up what he writes about.

Recently, I caught this entry on his blog: Getting a Job in Advertising.

In this particular post, he shares his advice for those trying to get into the agency world. Among his ten tips (which he goes into in much more detail than I am sharing with you here):

1. When you start out, move to the largest city you feel comfortable in, work at the largest agency you can, and get on the largest account you can.

4. A well-designed resume gets you considered, but YOU get the job.

5. Don’t be late, don’t be early.

The entire piece is worth a read, whether you’re just starting out in this business, or are on the other side of the table talking to those who are just starting out in this business. Too often, it’s way too easy for us to get caught up in everything else that happens in and around the marketing world, and expect that even those who are just out of school have the same knowledge and background that we do.

A good read, in my opinion. Thanks to John for sharing it with everyone.

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