Chasing the Answer to an Identity Crisis

At some point in time, every agency has likely been faced with this question: What kind of agency are you?

Darryl Ohrt, founder of Plaid, takes a swing at answering that very question from a small agency’s point of view on the Ad Age Small Agency Diary.

From his piece:

When people ask about our agency, I often struggle with an industry categorization. I’d never use the term “traditional” to describe our operation, yet I don’t believe that “digital” is the best descriptor, either. For that matter, do traditional agencies even call themselves “traditional”? Probably not.

It’s a worthwhile read, and an interesting take on the question.  Take a few minutes to give it a look — I’m sure you’ll be able to relate to some, if not most of what he has to say.

George Parker Does Not Hate Everything

Believe it or not, it’s true — there’s proof!

Kidding aside, during an appearance on Episode 63 of The BeanCast, George Parker had a few complimentary words for the work that Drake Cooper has done over the years for the Idaho Lottery.

The brief comment came in the context of a discussion that he and the other panelists were having about the PlaidNation Tour, their travels, and Plaid’s desire to recognize great work that comes out of shops in different cities.  If you’re interested in listening, the discussion surrounding the tour takes place just over an hour into the show.

P.S. – All in good fun George, all in good fun.