Recently I received some information from Shane over at Balihoo. He has extended an invitation to the readers of the Idaho Ad Agencies blog to join the Balihoo Beta. Details are as follows:
Balihoo, a search engine for advertising opportunities, has launched an invite-only Beta Program with ad agencies and media buying organizations that represent over $30 billion in annual media spend. Participants in the Beta Program have the opportunity to get an early look at the solution and help mold its future direction with their feedback
Balihoo would like to extend a special invitation into the Beta Program to the readers of the Idaho Ad Agencies blog, limited to the first 10 responses. With such an excellent resource of dynamic companies in our own backyard, we hope to gather more direct response from local participants. It’s a great opportunity for an agency of any size to establish a competitive advantage by getting involved with this breakthrough solution in the early stages, quickly becoming experts.
The Beta Program is an invite-only program with usernames and passwords being sent out to the participants directly from the Balihoo team. To sign-up for the Beta program and receive your login credentials contact please Devin McGlynn at The first ten responses we get at this email will receive “front-of-the-line” treatment directly into the Balihoo Beta Program.
Now I’m not trying to make this into too much of a Balihoo sales site, but the service looks interesting, so I thought it was worth passing along.
As always, comments and feedback are welcome.
Technorati tags: balihoo