With a gracious tip of the hat to Russell Davies, I’ve finally gotten around to trying to put together a Coffee Morning in Boise.
What is a Coffee Morning, you ask? Well, in a nutshell, it’s a loosely organized gathering, where people come together for coffee and conversation. There’s no agendas, no presentations – just an opportunity for people to chat, share ideas, and learn from one another. The concept has spread all over the world, but until now, the closest one I’ve ever known about was in Portland, Oregon.
Let’s change that.
I have no idea what kind of response or attendance we’ll get, but we’ll kick things off this Friday, April 4th, at Java on the corner of 6th and Main. I’ll be there from 7:30 AM-ish – 9:00 AM-ish, so feel free to stop by, enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea, or other drink of choice) and some conversation with others.
While I don’t think this will become a weekly thing right away, I could see it happening at least once a month, if not every other week.
All are welcome.
UPDATE: Clarified time – 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM.
Technorati tags: russell davies, coffee morning, java
That’s AM, right?
@anonymous – Yes, that’s AM. Sorry. Will update the post momentarily.
Brian, I am one of your regular, anonymous snarky a$$holes, and I want to break from tradition and tell you that I think this is a great idea.
Cool idea Brian – I love coffee and love to talk – so I’ll get my fix at Java that morning!
Hi Brian,
New to the area, would be interested in your take on the Idaho agency world. Would you be willing to send me an e-mail?
@Heidi I’d be happy to. Just send me an email at idahoadagencies@gmail.com with your contact information, and I’ll get in touch with you.
Hi Brian,
Sent you a note, thanks for taking the time to get back to me.
Not sure if you know about this but there is a network called (likemind) that is set up for ad people just like us for this exact reason. You should check it out. I attended the Minneapolis one for the past year while working there. Sometimes (likemind) even gets sponsors to pay for coffee mornings and often times will give swag such as marketing books and the like to its participating groups. Take a peak and see if you’d like to register this Boise chapter to the network. here is the URL. http://likemind.us/