Of course you do. Everyone does.
The question is, are you willing to say it in this space and put your name on it?
If you do and you are, then let’s talk. Guest articles / submissions are always welcome here at the Idaho Ad Agencies blog, so if you’ve got an idea, observation, or opinion that you’d like to share with the readers, send it on over.
Brian…. as you well know, many of us speak mainly visually and would have a hard time putting a hundred or more words together without sweating bullets in front of our writer comrades. You might consider a (show) and tell as well. Your blog does allow you to present images….
I would love to present (here) a smart, unexpected image I might have made in the past or in the future, in return for unexpected (smart) comments from our readers.
That’s what I’ve got to say.
Absolutely. There’s equal opportunity for Show and Tell ’round these parts.