Job Openings at Drake Cooper

Drake Cooper in Boise has two job openings listed on their website:

Part Time or Contract Web Developer:

The ideal candidate writes code and is at the forefront of interactive design trends. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are a must. Candidate must be self-directed with a high level of attention to detail and the ability to work with minimal supervision. We are looking for both Passion and creativity. Technical Prerequisites: Ability to code semantic, standards-based xhtml and bulletproof css — an absolute must. Experience with jQuery, PHP, extending WordPress and working in a LAMP environment preferred. Please include resume as well as portfolio or work samples.

Media Planner:

We’re looking for someone with mad skills in strategy and negotiating, a couple years experience in coordination and implementation of media promotions, and someone who knows how to throw down when it comes to radio, television, cable, outdoor and online. We need a team mate who wants to dive into each project with gusto.

Full details about each position, requirements and how to apply can be found on the agency’s website.
