The Giving Season Begins

Yesterday, Joanne Taylor of Drake Cooper posted this message as a challenge on Twitter:

challenging you guys to help round up 40 turkeys! Bring a frozen turkey to Drake Cooper this Friday am and we will take them to the foodbank

Helping out the Idaho Food Bank is a worthwhile cause, so I’ll bite. If you’d like to get involved, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Take a frozen turkey to Drake Cooper’s office, at 416 S. 8th St. in Boise on the morning of Friday, November 21st.
  2. Enjoy the coffee and donuts that they’re providing as an incentive.

Their goal is 40 turkeys, but I think this crowd can do better. 50? 60? 100? Who knows. For those of you who have wanted to see the new Drake Cooper office space, here’s a chance to do it.

And, for those who are outside of the Boise area, or can’t make it on Friday, you can still get involved (although you’ll miss out on the Friday morning treats). Just order one online by the 20th and have it delivered to them.

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On Finding and Hiring the Right People

It’s no secret that I think Bart Cleveland of McKee Wallwork Cleveland is one of the best writers contributing to the Ad Age Small Agency Diary.

His most recent piece is another winner:
Hiring the Right People Is a No-Brainer (Finding Them Is Like Brain Surgery)

A sample from the article:

Time allows you to get to know someone. Time reveals someone’s subtle characteristics. Not just negatives, but positives too. I’ve hired people who I at first believed weren’t really the right fit, but over time, I discovered the real person behind the first impression. You must be willing to take your time if you want a staff whose sum is greater than its parts.

Take the time to read the entire thing. As always, it’s full of Bart’s practical wisdom and a common sense that is too often overlooked.

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An Election Season Reminder

Regardless of your political leanings, or support (or opposition) of individual candidates, the first step in participating in the electoral process is making sure that you’re registered to vote. And if you’re not, you only have a few days left to change that.

A few registration reminders from the Idaho Votes website:

Who needs to register?

Any eligible person who wishes to vote in Idaho and who has never voted here or who has changed name or address since last registering needs to register.

Once I register, do I need to register again for the next election?

Registration is permanent as long as you vote at least once every four years in a primary or general election, and do not move. You need to re-register if you change your address or name.

Can I register to vote by mail?

Yes, but the mail application must be postmarked at least 25 days prior to the election.

That last question means that voter registration information must be postmarked by (or before) October 8th this year. Yes, you can register to vote at your polling place, but given the turnout that most are expecting for this year’s election, you could save yourself a lot of time by taking care of registration in advance.

The Idaho Votes website has a Voter Registration Form available on their website, and it only take a few moments to complete, print and mail.

And with that, we’ll now return to our regularly scheduled programming.

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Billboards – in a whole new dimension

For most people, seeing billboards around town is nothing new. Extensions above the top of a board? Neat little gimmick, but after a little time those get ignored as well.

The new digital billboards are, admitted, pretty slick. I think there’s a lot of potential for those, and that’s worth its own conversation with Lamar one of these days (but we’ll save that one for another time).

If you’re in the Boise area, you may have seen a series of billboards up recently for Paramount. They were a continuation of the [BLANK] is Paramount concept, which in and of itself has been very effective from what I understand.

But these most recent boards were a little different. There was no image of a child swimming or a striking roof line. This time, the visual was coming right off the board.


These latest boards added a third dimension, featuring mannequins depicting scenes or activities that one could expect to have happen in Paramount, such as lighting a barbecue or diving into a swimming pool.

The boards were designed by Stoltz Marketing Group in Boise. They’re currently out of rotation, but I’m told they’ll be going back up again in the near future. Pictures are below.

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Hal Riney

Hal Riney, the man behind the legendary San Francisco agency and campaigns for brands such as Bartles & Jaymes, Saturn, and many many more passed away Monday, March 24th at his home in San Francisco.

Jeff Goodby wrote up an outstanding retrospective on Adweek’s website.

Whether you realize it or not, at some point in time in your life/work/career you’ve probably been influenced by Hal Riney and his work. Even here in Idaho.

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